Media Center
Presentations Possible Changes to OLIF (2006; Lieske & McCormick; OLIF Meeting) (ppt) (pdf) The LexTerm Initiative (2006; Derouin & Le Meur; OLIF Meeting) (ppt) (pdf) European Machine Translation Program (2006; T”ger; OLIF Meeting) (ppt) (pdf) Using OLIF, the Open Lexicon Interchange Format (2004; McCormick; AMTA Conference) (ppt) OLIF Consortium December 2001 meeting (pdf) (ppt) Bowne and OLIF - December 2001 meeting (pdf) (ppt) Screencam: Use OLIF DTD to Create and Validate OLIF Data with XEmacs Editor (avi) OLIF Review Meeting April 2001 (pdf) (ppt) Discussion of the DTD during the April 2001 Review Meeting (pdf) (ppt) OLIF Review Meeting November 2000 (pdf) (ppt) Introduction to the OLIF prototype (pdf) (ppt) Overview of the OLIF header (pdf) (ppt) OLIF Organizational Meeting April 2000 (pdf) (ppt) OLIF2 Consortium Meeting Minutes OLIF Development Meeting December 2006 (pdf) (doc) TBX-OLIF Workshop November 2002 (pdf) (doc) OLIF Review Meeting December 2001 (pdf) (doc) OLIF Review Meeting April 2001 (pdf) (doc) OLIF Review Meeting November 2000 (pdf) (doc) Organizational Meeting April 2000 (pdf) (doc) Papers Integration of Terminology Extraction through Standards (2004; Bredenkamp, Lieske; EIDC2004) (request) OLIF v.2: A Flexible Language Data Standard (2004; McCormick, Lieske, Culum) (pdf) East Asian Language Support in OLIF2 (in progress; Thomas Emerson; Basis Technology) (pdf) Open Lexicon Interchange Format Comes of Age (2001; Machine Translation Summit VIII) (pdf) |
For more information, contact Susan McCormick at the OLIF Consortium.
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